Electricians, plasterers or painters will love our aluminium mobile scaffolding. At under 4mtr standing height it does not need to be erected by a qualified scaffolder. The narrow 0.7mtr width is great for tight access like the side of a house, or a staircase.
If you’re a home handyman looking for a solution to height and stability on the job then our mobile scaffolding solution could be the best addition to your toolbox.
The total weight of the scaffold is 147.60kg’s with its heaviest piece being only 22.6kg’s making it easily transportable and compact enough to store.
Providing a SWL of 225kg’s, it’s perfect for all kinds of small jobs. Although this can be erected by a single person, Turbo Scaffolding suggests it would be easier to erect with 2 people.
Delivery available in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth metro region only or you can arrange for a pick up from one of our Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Perth location warehouse.